Saturday, February 2, 2008

Technology 1/2/08

Ahhh. You're sitting at B&N, enjoying a nice cup of your favorite Starbucks drink, sitting in you're favorite chair, relaxing. It's been a hectic week and this is you're only moment and you're greatful for it. But wait! It's too perfect! All of a sudden, a woman/man in a power suit with a power cut walks over and sits in the chair directly across from. Of course, they immediatly pull out their PDA and start screaming at whoever did something wrong and screwed up their stockmarket.

Sound familiar? Yeah we've all been there. And I've experienced this same problem a million times. Probably the main reason I chose to tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about technology...

It seems like everytime I turn around, Apple is putting out a new generation of iPod. There's the Classic, the Vedio, the Nano generations 1 through 12123154, and of course all their notebooks. I'm not going to lie to you, j'adore my iPod and Mac, but sometimes technology gets out of hand.

Think about it; you have an iPod, a phone, and a there really a reason to put them ALL TOGETHER? No. No. There's no reason. And what's worse is that teenagers brag about them, and then jealous teens buy them and they keep making them more ridiculous.

Jane: Hey Susie, check out my new phone! It's ah-mazing. It e-mails, IMs, and makes me coffee!
Susie immediatly runs out and buys a phone 20 times better.
Susie: Hey Amy, check out my new phone. It's sweet. It e-mails, IM's, takes pictures, makes coffee, AND talks to me.
Amy runs out to buy a better phone.
Amy: Hey Bee, check out my new phone. It does this and this and that, and if you flip it, it does that, and when you put it it water it does a backflip...What does yours do?
Bee: This super sweet thing when you press an area code and seven digits and someone picks up and you can actually talk to them.

Catch my drift? I know. These things improve our lives times a million. But they are a wee bit exterme sometimes...especially when people just want to ~chill.

Until next time
pce, love, bee.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Teen Magazines 01/01/08

First of all, I'd like to wish you all a very happy new year! So, I was thinking about what to write an article, I was flipping through my subscription of Seventeen and I just could not help but laugh. So here it is, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god...

The thing that bothers me the most about these magazines is the hypocrisy. They always go on and on and ON about how you should always be happy with yourself and how you're good enough and you shouldn't change and blah blah blah. Then BAM! In the beauty section: How to change yourself using only makeup to make yourself prettier cause obviously we're lying, and you're really NOT good enough!

Second of all, the time and resources they put into this just to make money is ridiculous. And then Seventeen has the nerve to talk about how you should recycle. Um hello?! YOU ARE WASTING LIKE A MILLION TREES!!! Stop trying to make it seem like you care. YOU DON'T!

And of course we have Teen Vogue. Which is not only completely and utterly boring, but on top of that, they don't even try to make it seem like you're good enough. No you have to be rich, famous, and fur-wearer to be good enough. Of course it's somewhat better than Vogue but puh-lease, I am so sick of seeing Lauren Conrad. I know she works there OK?!? I LOVE THE HILLS, but stop using her for publicity. Even if she's not a major story she's always in somehow.

Lastly, I'd like to make a disclaimer. I love Seventeen. I love to read it and yes this is somewhat of an exaggeration, but it doesn't change the fact that TEEN VOGUE IS FREAKING BORING!

pce, love, bee

*comments are much appreciated!*