Friday, November 30, 2007

Global Warming 11/30

Considering all the Al Gore news around, I've decided this is the best topic of the moment. Of course, we're learning a lot on this at school and it's probably a good idea for me to let you know what i know so that you can let others know what you know about Global Warming.

Myth: Global warming isn't real. It's all Al Gore's plot to get into office.
Truth: Um. Ok. If you really believe that, i have a question for you: Is Al Gore running for president? Ok, he still has time to announce it, but it's very very very difficult to run for office so close to elections. Second of all, why would anyone on earth think that scaring the shiz out of the entire world with the idea that we might die in the next 100 years be a good idea, especially when lying to a country, I'm sure is a great way to get impeached. And lastly, Al Gore is not the only person doing this, therefore, i doubt hundreds of scientists are lying to us.

Myth: I don't have to do anything, there's tons of people taking action. If I don't do it, somebody else will.
Truth: How about I tell you a story about a couple of friends of mine named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

"There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done"

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done"

Myth: Global warming is just part of a natural cycle. The Arctic has warmed up in the past.
Truth: Yes, the Arctic has warmed up in the past, however, what we are experiencing now is much more severe and dangerous. The Arctic is warm all year long rather than single seasons.

Global Warming is a serious issue and everybody should take action, because someday, you'll be mad that Nobody did what everybody should have done.

pce, love, bee

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Fashion: Real World vs. Runways 11/28

Ok, answer me this, have you ever seen anybody wear anything that was remotely like this:

Me neither. And this was created by one of the biggest designers, well, EVER. That's right, marc jacobs was the one and only to design that hideous, what-the-hell-was-she-thinking, dress. With so many many many blogs and news about fashion, i thought to my self, what could be more appropriate that letting our audience know the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me gawd...about fashion.

Myth: Fashion shows are a place to watch and admire a designers amazing creations.
Truth: Not so. Fashion shows are designed for the rich and famous (with connections) to mingle with other rich and famous (with connections). They are also a place to get noticed as rich and famous (with connections).

Myth: Fashions shows are exciting and fun!
Truth: Um, no. Even if you're sitting front row, next to the designer, there is nothing fun about the show. Unless you LIKE watching people strut down a narrow walk way in ridiculous clothes that no one would ever wear....ever. Of course, there is a thrill to getting to sit next to someone famous, let alone the designer (although they are most likely back stage to make sure everything goes smoothly.)

Myth: Backstage is fun and organized.
Truth: Have you ever seen the Hills? Most shows are like that, except with out the unnecessary ah-nnoying LC v. Heidi drama. Backstage is like the shark tank during a feeding frenzy. It can get pretty cuh-razy back there, with the last minute "fat" models and their too tiny dresses.

Myth: All shows are like this
Truth: Well, duh, the answer is no. These are just some general things that usually happen with a lot of the shows. Some people like fashion shows and there is nothing wrong with that. It's just that watching models strut down the runway with ridiculous clothes is not my idea of fun. However, some fashion shows have cute clothes that I would totally wear, and those are fun. Well, probably not for guys =D

In two days look for a new update !

pce, love, bee

Monday, November 26, 2007

Emo People 11/26/07

In a day where emo is no longer a type of music but a steryotype much like, say, prep, you begin to wonder, what is truly emo. For those near a Barnes & Nobel, I suggest you go and buy the deliciously funny "Everybody Hurts: A Guide to Emo Culture" Ay-SAP. For others, here's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god....about emo people.

Myth: To be emo, you HAVE to wear skinny jeans
Truth: Not so. I mean, sure, it IS the signature emo, but we'd prefer you chubby emos to keep off the emo pants.

Myth: Emo people cut their wrists
Truth: First, what you have to consider is the correct tem is scene, which is one who likes emo music. However, since most people don't know that, they think that emo=emotional=cuts wrists. Which is all fine and dandy, but really, just because they cry a lot and listen to song after song about DEATH AND DESTRUCTION does NOT mean they cut their wrists...let's be serious people!

Myth: Fall Out Boy is emo
Truth: HA! hahahahahaha! nuff said

Myth: There is only one type of emo people. Black wearing-depressed-wrist-cutting-scary-teens
Truth: If you really think that, please check out gives you about a year of entertainment.

Emo people like a certain type of music. Unknown bands that scream a lot qualify...From First to Last, AFI, My Chemical Romance, TBS, Heroin, Jimmy Eat World, Get Up Kids . Those are just suggestions.

For more info on emo's check out
You should be informed enough not to judge next time you see a person with skinny jeans.

Next week: The Truth About....guess you'll have to wait and find out!

pce, love, bee

thank you for not flipping out