Saturday, February 2, 2008

Technology 1/2/08

Ahhh. You're sitting at B&N, enjoying a nice cup of your favorite Starbucks drink, sitting in you're favorite chair, relaxing. It's been a hectic week and this is you're only moment and you're greatful for it. But wait! It's too perfect! All of a sudden, a woman/man in a power suit with a power cut walks over and sits in the chair directly across from. Of course, they immediatly pull out their PDA and start screaming at whoever did something wrong and screwed up their stockmarket.

Sound familiar? Yeah we've all been there. And I've experienced this same problem a million times. Probably the main reason I chose to tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about technology...

It seems like everytime I turn around, Apple is putting out a new generation of iPod. There's the Classic, the Vedio, the Nano generations 1 through 12123154, and of course all their notebooks. I'm not going to lie to you, j'adore my iPod and Mac, but sometimes technology gets out of hand.

Think about it; you have an iPod, a phone, and a there really a reason to put them ALL TOGETHER? No. No. There's no reason. And what's worse is that teenagers brag about them, and then jealous teens buy them and they keep making them more ridiculous.

Jane: Hey Susie, check out my new phone! It's ah-mazing. It e-mails, IMs, and makes me coffee!
Susie immediatly runs out and buys a phone 20 times better.
Susie: Hey Amy, check out my new phone. It's sweet. It e-mails, IM's, takes pictures, makes coffee, AND talks to me.
Amy runs out to buy a better phone.
Amy: Hey Bee, check out my new phone. It does this and this and that, and if you flip it, it does that, and when you put it it water it does a backflip...What does yours do?
Bee: This super sweet thing when you press an area code and seven digits and someone picks up and you can actually talk to them.

Catch my drift? I know. These things improve our lives times a million. But they are a wee bit exterme sometimes...especially when people just want to ~chill.

Until next time
pce, love, bee.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Teen Magazines 01/01/08

First of all, I'd like to wish you all a very happy new year! So, I was thinking about what to write an article, I was flipping through my subscription of Seventeen and I just could not help but laugh. So here it is, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god...

The thing that bothers me the most about these magazines is the hypocrisy. They always go on and on and ON about how you should always be happy with yourself and how you're good enough and you shouldn't change and blah blah blah. Then BAM! In the beauty section: How to change yourself using only makeup to make yourself prettier cause obviously we're lying, and you're really NOT good enough!

Second of all, the time and resources they put into this just to make money is ridiculous. And then Seventeen has the nerve to talk about how you should recycle. Um hello?! YOU ARE WASTING LIKE A MILLION TREES!!! Stop trying to make it seem like you care. YOU DON'T!

And of course we have Teen Vogue. Which is not only completely and utterly boring, but on top of that, they don't even try to make it seem like you're good enough. No you have to be rich, famous, and fur-wearer to be good enough. Of course it's somewhat better than Vogue but puh-lease, I am so sick of seeing Lauren Conrad. I know she works there OK?!? I LOVE THE HILLS, but stop using her for publicity. Even if she's not a major story she's always in somehow.

Lastly, I'd like to make a disclaimer. I love Seventeen. I love to read it and yes this is somewhat of an exaggeration, but it doesn't change the fact that TEEN VOGUE IS FREAKING BORING!

pce, love, bee

*comments are much appreciated!*

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The New Year 12/26

I was chatting with my friends about New Year's Eve and such, and I thought it was time everyone faced the truth about the New Year. So here is the cold harsh nothing but the truth so help me gawd about the New Year!

Myth: New Year's Resolutions are the way to happiness
Truth: Sure, you may make a list of all the things you will do to make yourself a better person, but in the end, you'll never stick to it. If you did, you wouldn't need to make New Years Resolutions each year. Think about that ;)

Myth: You need to be at a raging party to have fun.
Truth: No, you really don't. Chilling with the fam, and a couple of friends watching the ball drop and eating cheese and crackers is more than enough. Of course, most people want a NYK (New Year Kiss), but whatever. Do what you want and have fun doing it. Hell, spend it on your roof getting drunk alone if that's what makes you happy...just...don't jump off the roof =/

Myth: New Year New YOU!
Truth: First of all, what's the wrong with the regular you? I mean, if you want to lose weight (ahem refer to myth #1) it doesn't mean that the New Year is the only opportunity for it! All I'm saying is, don't lose yourself too much.

Just trying to make all of you aware that the New Year is NOT a huge deal. You can make February/March/April Resolutions. All I'm saying is be yourself and have a hell of a time doing it.

here's to a healthy&happy new year!


Monday, December 10, 2007

9/11 12/10

9/11 is without doubt one fo the worst things to happen to the USA in the past century. Right up there with Pearl Harbor, the Great Depression, even the vietnam war. That being said, there are also a lot of misconceptions that people think they know. So here it is, the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me gawd.

Myth: 9/11 was done by muslims
Truth: Calling yourself something does not make you it. If I call myself Mr. President, am I the president? No. Therefore, i can say without a doubt those people were very far from being muslim. First of all, they comitted suicide. IF you comitt suicide in Islam, you are going to hell. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Second, they killed others. Again, big big no-no in Islam. Real muslims are strong believers that God is the only one allowed to take lives.

Myth: Those terrorists were doing something called Jihad in which you give your life to God.
Truth: Does that make sense at all? God gave you life, why would He ask for it back when He can just take it? Plus, this Jihad is giving your life to God. NOT LITERALLY. It means giving to others when you dont have enough. i.e: "It is always easy to give when you are wealthy, not so easy when you are poor."

Myth: Muslims are bad bad terrorists.
Truth: No. Simply, no. Muslims are like any other group, full of good and bad. The good do the best they can to overtake the bad, it's just hard to believe there is good when the few bad standout so much more.


pce, love, bee

PS: i have a muslim friend who explained this to me
I thank you for not flipping out =D

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

NYC 12/04/07

What is there to say about the big city? It is my favorite city in the world and just having spent the day walking around Central Park (for no other reason that feeling like it) I was inspired to write about it. So here it is, the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the city that never sleeps...

Myth: New York City is the city that never sleeps.
Truth: Well, this is the truth. There are always cabs at any hour of the night and day. There is always someone running around, either heading home, going to a party, or just running around. NYC is the city that never sleeps.

Myth: NYC is just as glam as it looks on TV
Truth: Well, no. I mean Times Square is just as huge. It's just as pretty. But there's always some type of construction going on that you don't know about when the camera is rolling. They're also not going to show you the dirty streets and, well, the dirty people.

Myth: Because NYC is full of dirty things and people, it's not as glam as it may seem.
Truth: WRONG. NYC is the greatest city in the world. A rectangular uber city life with a HUGE wildlife in the middle. This is the greatest city of all time. In the snow, in the heat, nothing stands up to NYC.


until next time....
pce, love, bee

PS- sorry about the ads =/ i just need some $$

Friday, November 30, 2007

Global Warming 11/30

Considering all the Al Gore news around, I've decided this is the best topic of the moment. Of course, we're learning a lot on this at school and it's probably a good idea for me to let you know what i know so that you can let others know what you know about Global Warming.

Myth: Global warming isn't real. It's all Al Gore's plot to get into office.
Truth: Um. Ok. If you really believe that, i have a question for you: Is Al Gore running for president? Ok, he still has time to announce it, but it's very very very difficult to run for office so close to elections. Second of all, why would anyone on earth think that scaring the shiz out of the entire world with the idea that we might die in the next 100 years be a good idea, especially when lying to a country, I'm sure is a great way to get impeached. And lastly, Al Gore is not the only person doing this, therefore, i doubt hundreds of scientists are lying to us.

Myth: I don't have to do anything, there's tons of people taking action. If I don't do it, somebody else will.
Truth: How about I tell you a story about a couple of friends of mine named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

"There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done"

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done"

Myth: Global warming is just part of a natural cycle. The Arctic has warmed up in the past.
Truth: Yes, the Arctic has warmed up in the past, however, what we are experiencing now is much more severe and dangerous. The Arctic is warm all year long rather than single seasons.

Global Warming is a serious issue and everybody should take action, because someday, you'll be mad that Nobody did what everybody should have done.

pce, love, bee

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Fashion: Real World vs. Runways 11/28

Ok, answer me this, have you ever seen anybody wear anything that was remotely like this:

Me neither. And this was created by one of the biggest designers, well, EVER. That's right, marc jacobs was the one and only to design that hideous, what-the-hell-was-she-thinking, dress. With so many many many blogs and news about fashion, i thought to my self, what could be more appropriate that letting our audience know the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me gawd...about fashion.

Myth: Fashion shows are a place to watch and admire a designers amazing creations.
Truth: Not so. Fashion shows are designed for the rich and famous (with connections) to mingle with other rich and famous (with connections). They are also a place to get noticed as rich and famous (with connections).

Myth: Fashions shows are exciting and fun!
Truth: Um, no. Even if you're sitting front row, next to the designer, there is nothing fun about the show. Unless you LIKE watching people strut down a narrow walk way in ridiculous clothes that no one would ever wear....ever. Of course, there is a thrill to getting to sit next to someone famous, let alone the designer (although they are most likely back stage to make sure everything goes smoothly.)

Myth: Backstage is fun and organized.
Truth: Have you ever seen the Hills? Most shows are like that, except with out the unnecessary ah-nnoying LC v. Heidi drama. Backstage is like the shark tank during a feeding frenzy. It can get pretty cuh-razy back there, with the last minute "fat" models and their too tiny dresses.

Myth: All shows are like this
Truth: Well, duh, the answer is no. These are just some general things that usually happen with a lot of the shows. Some people like fashion shows and there is nothing wrong with that. It's just that watching models strut down the runway with ridiculous clothes is not my idea of fun. However, some fashion shows have cute clothes that I would totally wear, and those are fun. Well, probably not for guys =D

In two days look for a new update !

pce, love, bee